Quick Post

Easy File Sharing with transfer.sh

Quickly send someone a small file download link with transfer

Luke Gloege, Ph.D.
2 min readJun 28, 2022


Photo by Suzanne Emily O’Connor on Unsplash

File sharing typically involves signing into a storage provider, uploading the file, and then remembering how to share it with someone else.

Although not a tedious process, this can be accomplished with a lot less brain power thanks to tools such as transfer.sh.

With a single terminal command, you can generate a temporary download link you can share with anybody. The link becomes inactive after two weeks.

This free service lets you upload unlimited data for short-term file sharing.

Screenshot used with permission (source: https://transfer.sh/)

You can use this service right now via Client URL (cURL). The code below will generate a shareable download link.

curl --upload-file ./hello.txt https://transfer.sh/hello.txt

Transfer Function: Oh-My-Zsh

If you use Oh-My-Zsh, simply add the transfer plugin to your .zshrc.

plugins=(... transfer)



Luke Gloege, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Research Associate @Yale | Climate Scientist | Python programmer | Dog dad